June is packed full of activities. In addition to the usual end-of-school year, graduation, Fathers' Day, etc., there are some important issue-based things to do and learn from. |
- Calling All Members! LWVTPC Annual Meeting
- June is Ride Transit Month
- Affordable Housing Consortium Lunch & Learn: Lakewood Comprehensive Plan
- Celebrate Juneteenth at Metro Parks
- President's Message
- Welcome, New Members!
- Thank You, Generous Donors!
- State League Convention Perspectives
- Observer Corps Reports
| | | Reminder: Calling All Members!
LWVTPC Annual Meeting
10:00 am, June 10, 2023
Business Meeting begins
(Coffee and Mingling at 9:30 am)
Followed by Potluck Lunch and
Speaker: Julie Anderson, former Pierce County Auditor,
discussing what it was like to be a nonpartisan candidate running for a statewide partisan race.
Friendship Hall
First United Methodist Church
621 Tacoma Ave. S. (basement)
Tacoma, WA 98402
Bring yourself, a potluck dish to share for lunch, and your energy for this important annual event. Prepare for this meeting by reviewing the booklet, here. The booklet has the agenda, action items and reports for this meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Cynthia Stewart, stewdahl@comcast.net.
We look forward to seeing old friends, meeting new members, and making the important business decisions of the year (electing officers, approving the budget and approving the 2023-24 Program of Work).
Please join us! | June is Ride Transit Month
Thank you to Governor Inslee and the Pierce County Council, who have proclaimed June to be Ride Transit Month. Take a look at the many ways to acknowledge and use transit. Reduce greenhouse gas and save money besides by taking the bus. Read the Pierce County Council's Ride Transit Month proclamation here. | See Pledge to Ride and many options suggested by Transportation Choices Coalition here. | Take a look at Pierce Transit's Ride Transit Month opportunities here. | | | Affordable Housing Consortium Lunch & Learn
June 6, Noon to 1:00 pm
Free and open to the public
Virtual; register here.
The Affordable Housing Consortium invites our members and the public to learn about the City of Lakewood's 2024 Comprehensive Plan updates.
The City of Lakewood is updating its Comprehensive Plan, a document that sets the vision for the City for the next 20 years. | | | BERK Consulting is partnering with the City and engaging community members during the process. A particular focus of this update is on the Climate Change and Energy Chapter, as well as affordable housing, including the addition of more middle housing to the City. Please join Andrew Bjorn from BERK Consulting for a presentation and conversation about housing needs and climate resilience in Lakewood and offer feedback on climate and housing updates.
For more information, contact casey@affordablehousingconsortium.org. | Celebrate Juneteenth at Metro Parks
Monday, June 19, 11:00 am-5:00 pm
Stewart Heights Park
Sponsored by Tacoma Urban League and others
Get directions and more information here.
| | | President's Message
By Cynthia Stewart
June has many ramifications – from graduations to weddings and from Pride to Juneteenth – celebrations that bring us together, rather than split us apart. But for me, June is most of all the month of the summer solstice – when we have the longest day of the year and the wheel turns toward shorter days, moving toward Fall, even though the weather may be hotter for awhile.
This particular June will be memorable to me because this is my final edition of the Voter, and my final few weeks as President of LWVTPC.
| | | I have been honored - privileged beyond all expectations - to serve in this role for six years. This was only possible because of the unrelenting support and hard work of so many members – and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
This year’s Annual Meeting, on June 10, not only marks a change in leadership but also a big change in how we live. We are transitioning back into “real life” – in-person get-togethers and human contact that we’ve missed over the last three very strange years of COVID. I hope that all of you, our members, will revel in this and attend the Annual Meeting to be a part of determining where we go from here together.
I have been fortunate to work with Rosemary Powers, our incoming President, over the last two years, getting to know her and appreciate her calm, thoughtful approach to leadership. You will all welcome her rock-steady guidance over the next two or more years, as we morph into our next phase of League life.
Thank you, each and every one, for your backing and collaboration. I am forever grateful for you. Have a glorious summer after the Annual Meeting, and come back to unit meetings and League work in the Fall with new energy. | Welcome, New Members!
Susan Witten Audrey and James Sullivan Lavada Kent-Napier
| Thank You, Generous Donors!
Laura and Grant Gardner Louise Bollman Noel and Bill Hagens
Patricia Mail Christie Perkins | State League Convention Perspectives
Every other year, the League of Women Voters of WA holds a convention. This is when officers are elected, the budget is adopted, and the state League program of work is approved by the membership. In alternating years, the national League has a convention and the state League holds a less formal Council, where networking and education are featured.
This year, most of the participants from LWVTPC at the state Convention were first-timers. Here are some of their perspectives.
"Attending convention is eye opening for seeing and hearing first hand the broad scope, and the good work done, by League member interests and activities." -- Carol Rikerd
"As a first time attendee, I wanted to get an understanding as to how the League worked at the state level, and a grasp of our organizations priorities as to how we promote democracy. I was pleased to attend." -- Chuck Jensen
"A hotel chock-full of women fierce about democracy
New information/ideas/wisdom down every corridor
Drama, theatre, late night caucuses and lemondrop cocktails
Carol smuggling chocolates into the room
What's not to love ?" -- Theresa Power-Drutis
Consider joining the LWVTPC delegation next year for Council or in 2025 for the next Convention!
| Observer Corps Reports
The LWVTPC Observer Corps provides three vital services: reporting on local government, holding elected officials accountable by letting them know they are being observed, and educating observers and members about local politics. If you want to know more about what is going on in local government, there is no better way than joining LWVTPC Observer Corps or reading their reports.
Read these recent Observer reports:
| League of Women Voters of Tacoma-Pierce County
621 Tacoma Ave. S.. # 202
Tacoma, WA 98402
| |